Implemntasi Teori Belajar Konstruktivisme Vygotsky Pada Mata Pelajaran Pai Di SMA Sains Qur`An Yogyakata


This study aims to answer the question of how and the implementation of vygotsky constructivism learning theory in PAI subjects at the Qur`an High School. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method, the instruments used by researchers in this study, are the researchers themselves and notebooks. Furthermore, the results of research on the implementation of constructivist learning theory in general can be said to be going well and in accordance with the steps of its application. In implementing constructivist learning models in general, PAI subjects in the Qur'an Science High School can run well and cannot be separated from several supporting factors such as the accuracy of teaching materials, methods, principals, teachers, and adequate infrastructure. In addition to supporting factors there are also several inhibiting factors in the constructivist learning model in general, namely the insufficient allocation of time and the lack of self-confidence of students at the beginning of the application of constructivist learning models. Efforts that can be made to overcome the inhibiting factors of constructivist learning models in general are teachers trying to form positive attitudes in students such as self-confidence and mutual respect besides sending teachers to attend training, work shops.