
This study aims to reveal the human character in the anthology "Bulan Kebabian". This study uses the theory of genetic structuralism proposed by Goldmann in Faruk (2014) regarding humanitarian facts. The data source is the short story of anthology "Bulan Kebabian" (2015) published by BELISTRA, Serang, Banten. Data collection was carried out using qualitative descriptive methods and literature. Data analysis is carried out at the level of words and the interweaving of words. And than, the interpretation to obtain the understanding and description of the word and the composition of the sentence in the short story is preceded by the reading, understanding, and analysis of short stories. The conclusions from this study are:First the partiality of ‘Ayah's character in the material resulted he give up his daughter to become a migrant worker, even though in the end he was sorry; Second, rationality and realistic attitude of the character "She" is able to raise him from adversity and look back at the future with his husband and children; Third, love for fellow humans has tremendous significance for the characters "She" and "the river man" in the household.