
The  word  morals  comes  from  the  Arabic  plural  khulq  which  means manners,  mannerisms,  habits  or  behaviour.  By  the  term  moral  science  experts are  considered  not  yet  right,  then  according  to  the  more  precise  they  are according  to  Al  Ghazali  in  the  team  project  the  construction  of  the  religion  of Islam. So the nature of the learning of aqidah morals is what exactly the essence or  foundation  of  beliefs  and  behavior  (which  is  based  on  the  inner  shape)  that good  according  to  Islamic  teachings  and  how  human  or  process  to  learn  it,  so that  the  human  understanding  teaching  well.  For  terms  commonly  used  term, aqeedah Unity, the science of Kalam, the science of Usul, Theology, mentioning other types of science  of kalam i.e.  aqa'id Science (i.e. Science creed-creed i.e. node-node/belief, science of Tawhid (the science of keMaha Esaan (God) , and the  science  of  Usul  al-Din  (i.e.  the  science  of  Usul  trees  religion).  For  terms commonly used term Shari'a fiqh, worship, muamalah, and moral terms for the commonly  used  term,  tasauf  and  others.  To  develop  material  aqidah  morals, then we need to know the magnitude of what material, what part of what's next. Or  also  called  the  structure  of  matter  such  as  we  learn  about  the  material  of gratitude,  we  know  that  it  is  commendable  to  God,  morals  "Backbiting" deplorable  morals  to  sesam  is  a  human,  for  example:  the  name  of  the  Angel, Angel,  why  ugas  harusa  believers  to  the  Angel,  what  dampaik  is  positive  if  we are faithful to the Angel, how can I do a faith in  angels in everyday kehdupan, what  is  the  argumentation  to  the  Angel  of  faith  and  so  on.  So  for  example  we already know, that the material of the faith to this Angel, it's been talked about since  the  classes  in  elementary,  junior  high,  when  we  teach  High  School  or  a Student MA and to do it well we teach?, certainly not In learning this the morals of aqeedah  the development of  the material can be seen in a  textual means to develop the core subject matter through literartur or other library resources, and the development of materials tailored to the everyday life of students and this is termed contextual