
ABSTRAKManajemen persidangan sebagai implementasi penanganan perkara permohonan fiktif positf menampakkan kekhususannya dibandingkan dengan penanganan perkara biasa di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara. Putusan pekara permohonan fiktif positif yang langsung berkekuatan hukum tetap menampakkan penguatan peradilan tingkat satu dalam penegakan hukum sebagai ekspektasi pencari keadilan yang sekaligus implementasi asas peradilan cepat, sederhana dan berbiaya ringan. Meskipun di sisi lain menimbulkan problematika, terutama akses keadilan bagi pihak ketiga yang merasa dirugikan akibat terbitnya keputusan dan/atau tindakan sebagai hasil eksukusi putusan Hakim dalam perkara permohonan fiktif positif. Dalam pelaksanaannya masih ditemukan adanya beberapa problematika adalah suatu kewajaran, mengingat perubahan yang signifikan baik dari aspek paradigma dan pola  manajemen penanganan perkara. ABSTRACTThe management of the trial as the implementation of the case handling of positive fictitious petition requests shows its specificity compared to the handling of ordinary cases in the State Administrative Court. The verdict of positive fictitious petition which is directly legally binding still shows the strengthening of the first level of justice in law enforcement as the expectation of justice seekers as well as the implementation of the principle of justice fast, simple and low cost. Although on the other hand it creates problems, especially access to justice for third parties who feel aggrieved due to the issuance of decisions and / or actions as a result of the execution of a Judge's decision in the case of a positive fictitious petition. In its implementation, there are still some problems which are a reasonableness, considering that there are significant changes both from the paradigm aspects and the pattern of case handling management.