The Educational Value Of Hindu In Taking Care Of Pregnant Woman And Its Social Implications In The Balinese Community Of Denpasar


Taking care of pregnant women is basically an effort to monitor maternal and child health in order to create a family with quality and live in a healthy environment. The role of family, values and norms and social environment greatly influences the care of pregnant women physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially. This study aims to clarify the educational value of Hindu in taking care of pregnant women and its social implications in the Balinese Hindu community, especially in Denpasar City. The interview, observation and document study techniques were used as data acquisition in this study. Furthermore, the techniques of data analysis were carried out through a data reduction process or selected according to the research objectives. In the process of data analysis, the data were carried out through the research continuously from the beginning to the end of the study. Through a systematic process of tracking and regulating interview transcripts, field notes and other materials, the finding indicated that: 1) the educational value of Hindu in taking care of pregnant women includes; psychological education, then ethics education, theological education, health education; 2) The social implication that applied in the educational value of Hindu in taking care of pregnant women psychologically, mothers would feel comfortable and happy, could support the health of pregnant women and have positive implications for the fetus indirectly in forming good character.