
 Implementation of religious teachings, especially in the field of ceremony (yajna) there is a difference between one area to another. The difference is based on local traditions cultural and Hindu culture develops in conformity with the natural enviroment. Nyangling ceremony in Tirta Empul Temple in  Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler village, Sukawati District Gianyar regency. Nyangling ceremony is unique because in the ceremony Nyangling using rice means, the rice is then purified with holy water contained in Tirta Empul Temple. Based on the above background, then the formulation of the issues to be discussed include: (1) How is the procession of Nyangling Ceremony, At Tirta Empul Temple in Kederi street, Singapadu Kaler village, District Sukawati Gianyar regency? (2) What is the function of Nyangling Ceremony, in Tirta Empul Temple,  Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency? (3) What Is Philosophical Of Nyangling Ceremony Tirta Empul Temple, Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency.Based on data analysis it can be concluded (1) Nyangling ceremony procession is a series of ceremony gods yajna. Place of execution at Tirta Empul Temple Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati District Gianyar Regency and led by Dewa Mangku Tirta .. (2) Nyangling ceremony has various functions that are the function of religious system, social function, function of cultural preservation, aesthetic function. (A) The function of the Religious System is a spiritual aspect which can not be attained. (B) Social Function as a unifying tool for the achievement of a properous society, and cultive a sense of togetherness. (C) Cultural Preservation Function, Nyangling Ceremony Represents the culture of the Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village, Sukawati District, Gianyar Regency, which is sacralized as a vehicle for preserving Balinese art and culture. (D) Aesthetic function is found in the community movements of Kederi street walking  looks neat rows of time walking towards Tirta Empul Temple and sound to the hymn accompanied by gambelan . (3) It should be observed from its meaning, namely: (a) The philosophical meaning of Nyangling ceremony in Tirta Empul Temple, Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village is to purify the means of rice to be used at the time of piodalan and offer various means of upakara / banten as a form of our devotion before God . (B) The meaning of balance and harmony in the Nyangling ceremony is seen at the time of the ceremony since its preparation, procession and execution. Members of the community Banjar Kederi, Singapadu Kaler Village help each other based on the heart and hospitality during theNyangling ceremony took place. (C) The Purification of the Nyangling Ceremony is contained in the holy tirtha which is requested to purify the means of the ceremonial rice and the bodies of its worshipers.