
The development of philoshopy in Java begins with the question of who he really is (sapa ingsun), who is his God (sapa Gustiningsun), where he came from and where to return (sangkan paraning dumadi), and also how to achieve union with God (manunggaling kawula Gusti). Javanese people can be said as a religious people. This can be seen from the understanding of Javanese people towards the reality of the self dan the world as a full of mystery and in an effort to obtain the truth, the Javanese people prefer to reflect inside to the self. If philosophy in general is a search for wisdom however the Javanese society philosophy is an attempt to achieve the union with the Supreme Being. This research study aims to describe Java methaphysics in R. Ng. Ranggawarsita’s works Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati. Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati is one of Javanese literary works contains a view of the reality of self and the concept of the Javanese divinity which is Islam patterned. R. Ng. Ranggawarsita works dominantly talks about kejawen and tasawuf(Java and Islam enculturation)but on the contrary there are some points that suits Hindu’s value which are manunggaling Kawula Gusti, sangkan paraning dumadi, tumimbal lahir and etcetera. This study will look critically how Hindu metaphysics on Serat Wirid Hidayat Jati.