
The existence of Lingsar Temple in Lingsar Village, West Nusa Tenggara Province has been able to unite two different ethnic religious backgrounds namely the Sasak Islam Tribe Wetu Telu (Left Three) and the Hindu Balinese Tribe. The incident has occurred since the reign of King Karangasem in West Lombok. The establishment of Lingsar Temple is estimated to occur more or less in 1615 Saka by AA Anglurah Ketut Karangasem who ruled at that time and expanded again by his brother named AA Anglurah Made Karangasem approximately around the year 1720. The influence of King Karangasem has been able to bear tolerance for both tribes , so the two tribes are always together in performing ritual ceremonies and traditions at Lingsar Temple. But on the other hand no doubt will also happen a dynamics of tolerance.This study aims to provide an understanding of the existence of Lingsar Temple in West Nusa Tenggara, as well as to raise public awareness in understanding and understanding tolerance among religious communities. In addition, to provide knowledge whether or not a dynamism of tolerance occurs. The method used in this study is a qualitative model of new ethnographic analysis with data collection techniques that use observation, ethnographic interview, literature study, documentation studies. Analytical techniques used are analysis domain, taxonomic analysis, component analysis, and theme analysis.From the research conducted in the field in obtaining the result of the existence of Lingsar Temple founded by A.A Ketut Karangasem who get the revelation from God / Ida Sanghyang Widhi Wasa. standing lingsar temple aims to unite inwardly between the people of Sasak tribe with the Hindu Balinese society. For the year of the founding of Lingsar Temple can not be ascertained because there is no written source mentions.Mean contained in the tradition of Ketopat War that is integration, tolerance, and religious. Socio-Religious of Sasak Tribe with Hindu Communities have interrelationship so that the communication process between these two tribes and based on the perception of the two communities This tribe has a very high idealistic attitude in running the tradition of Ketopat War.