
Ngaben Ningkeb interpreted Ngaben ceremony that ended in a reversed way or called Ningkeb.Fenomena background researcher to examine the problems about the implementation of Ngaben Ningkeb Ceremony with the formulation of the problem include: 1). How is the Ngompen Ningkeb Ceremony Procession in Banjar Kebon, Pakraman Blahbatuh Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency? 2). What is the function of Ngaben Ningkeb Ceremony in Banjar Kebon, Pakraman Blahbatuh Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency? 3). What is the philosophical meaning contained in Ngompen Ningkeb Ceremony at Banjar Kebon, Pakraman Blahbatuh Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency? With the aim of research can implement the science of religion obtained in the life of the community and know in general about the Procession, Functions and Meaning philosophical related Ngaben Ningkeb Ceremony.This research is discussed using several theories, among others, Religious Theory, is used because this research includes the research of Religion, Structural Functionalism Theory, used to dissect the problems related to Ngaben Ningkeb Ceremony, and Symbol Theory, is used to study the meaning of Philosophy. This type of research is qualitative research with primary data source from the field that is by observation and interview while secondary data obtained through documentation technique.The results of the study as follows: 1). A. The initial procession Ngaben ningkeb ceremony, among others: Nyamuh, Matur Piuning, Mapajati, Ngulapin and Nyiramin. B. Ningkeb peak procession among others: Nedunin Sawa, Towards Setra, Sprinkle various types Tirta, Ngeseng Sawa, and last Ningkeb. C. The process after the implementation of Ngaben Ningkeb, among others: Mapegat and Mecaru. 2). Function Ceremony Ngaben Ningkeb include: A. Sustainability Function, where Ngingken ningkeb ceremony can be practically can be a ceremony that deserves to be preserved because in every process is something sacred and different with Ngaben in general. B. The return function of Sanghyang Panca Mahabhuta, which outlines the elements of Panca Mahabhuta in this great realm and usher Atma (Spirit) into Pitra nature by deciding Atma's love with his world. C. Purgatory function, in this case, purification is intended as a main foundation that should be put forward in the process Ngaben ningkeb ceremony. 3). And the meaning contained in Ngingken ningkeb ceremony is a philosophical meaning, where the conception of sarira is used as the meaning of philosophy Ngaben ningkeb is the conception of Sarira according to Wrhaspati Tattwa. And the meaning of Return Panca Mahabhuta, where basically all will return by itself although not done ceremony Ngaben, but it takes a very long time, hence from cultivated to return by cremation (Ngaben).