KONSEP ALAM KEHIDUPAN SETELAH MATI DALAM TEKS ATMA PRASANGSA (Studi Kasus Di Desa Munggu Kecamatan Mengwi Kabupaten Badung)


In general, Hindus believe that the realm of life after death is true. But the phenomenon that occurs is almost most of them ignore it, which they understand is the concept of karmaphala only. Therefore, the author will review in depth about the nature of life after death in the Teks Atma Prasangsa.The presentation of research results is a discussion of the formulation of the above problems. The first is discussed about the structure of Teks Atma Prasangsa, starting from the synopsis, plot, characterization, and background or place of an event in the story. After that, the second discussion about the nature of life after death. What is meant by the after-life world of the Teks Atma Prasangsa is the journey of the spirit to Swargaloka. In addition it is explained also about death, death by law, death by suicide, death by accident, entering the astral realm and the higher realms. Then in the third discussion that is the public perception of Munggu to the realm of life after death in Teks Atma Prasangsa. Generally the community believes in the existence of the realm of life after death but from different angles. There are based on Lontar, there is also based on Balian (Shaman) with the term Metuun.