
In Pakraman Baler Bale Agung ceremony Pawetonan using banten shelf bingin who carry it carried in the bale offerings alone and is a warning the day of birth and not mandatory carried out every six months depending on the level of ekonami community to carry out the ceremony Pawetonan and pemuput of ceremonies Pawetonan is of elders Family, then here the researcher is very interested to conduct a research with the title of symbolic internalization at Pawetonan ceremony in the village of Pakraman Baler Bale AgungKecamatan Negara Jembrana District.The issues that will be discussed, among others: (1) What is the nature of internalization of symbolic ceremonies Pawetonan in Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District of the State of Jembrana, (2) Is the function of the internalization of the symbolic ceremonies Pawetonan in Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District of the State of Jembrana , (3) What educational values are there in the implementation of symbolic internalization at Pawetonan ceremony in Pakraman Village Baler Bale Agung Jembrana District State. This study aims to (1) To describe the form of symbolic internalization at the Pawetonan ceremony in the village of Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District State Jembrana District; (2) To determine the function of the internalization of the symbolic ceremonies Pawetonan in Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District of the State of Jembrana and (3) To determine the educational value of Hinduism contained in the internalization of the symbolic ceremonies Pawetonan in Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District of the State of Jembrana.The theory used to examine the above three problem formulations is the Symbolic Intraxionism theory of Donder, Structural Functional Theory of Malinowski, Theory of Value from Louis O. Ksattof. Data collection methods used were observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. It obtained from this research that the form of the ceremony Pawetonan was already mentioned by Bantam shelf bingin pengulapan, pangambyan, pras, pejati, snack shelf bingin, bolsters white duck, swing, pawayangan, pengulapan, daksina big sarwa four, broil flower rack bingin, Tumpeng tujueng bungkul then for redemption which can aim to eliminate bhutakala and sanctification is bantenp rayascita, byakala and durmanggala. A person who is carrying out Pawetonan first do pabyakaonan, natab byakala, natab offerings durmanggala, natab Prayascita, mengudang pesaksi, menghanturkan offerings holy shelf bingin, Mejaya victorious and wear karawista and kalapika, after carrying out pangubaktian and begged waranugraha, nunas Tirtha and Bija then natab Squeeze indicating the ceremony is appropriate. The function of the ceremony Pawetonan in Pakraman Baler Bale Agung District of the State of Jembrana is there are a lot of first function is a function of the anniversary of the birth, the function samskara and function worship Sang Hyang Sangkan Paraning dumadi and educational values embodied in the ceremony Pawetonan is religious value, the value of ethics , Aesthetic value, social value.