
The State Detention Unit (Rutan) is the place where the suspect or defendant is detained during the process of investigation, prosecution and examination in court and place for inmate who are undergoing criminal verdict. Inmates obtain various forms of coaching that have been programmed by Rutan. Although it has gained various forms of counseling but not infrequently there are inmates who after freedom and return to community again commits a crime and resulted in the prisoner back into Rutan. So based on the phenomenon that happened, researcher interested to do research about counseling of Hinduism for prisoners in State Class II State B prison, Jembrana Regency, in order to prevent the return of prisoners to do criminal act and so that prisoners no longer re-enter into Rutan.The problems in this research are: (1) Form of execution of Hindu counseling for prisoners in Class II State Household Detention.B State, Jembrana District, (2) Factors that hamper the implementation of Hindu counseling for inmates in Prisons Class II. B State, Jembrana District, (3) How to overcome obstacles in the implementation of Hindu counseling for prisoners in the State Detention Class II.B State, Jembrana District. Theories used to analyze the problem are Structural Functional theory and the theory of Rangsang Balas. The subject of this study is the Prisoners in Rutan. Data collection methods used by the authors ie observation, interviews, literature, documentation, and data analysis techniques.The results showed that the forms of extension of Hinduism held in State Household of Class II B State were delivered in the form of Dharma Wacana, Dharma Sadhana and Dharma Yatra. Factors inhibiting the implementation of Hindu counseling for prisoners in State Detainee Class II B State that is the factor of lack of extension workers, funding factors, factors of inmates. Efforts to overcome obstacles in the implementation of Hindu counseling in the State Detainee Class II B State namely by empowering functionaries in the State custody and establish cooperation with related parties, carry out internal fund digging and attendance.