
Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world that has abstract beliefs based on the value of taste in each individual. Hinduism is based on the three basic frameworks that consist of: Tattwa, Ethics, and Events. Hindu life is never out of tradition. Tradition is a practice passed down by ancestors and passed down from generation to generation and preserved by society because it is considered to have important functions and meanings. Similarly, Hindus in Songan Village Kintamani District Bangli regency has a very unique tradition that is the tradition of Nyebel Desa on the Birth of Baby Twin Buncing. In this case the author intends to conduct research and review more in that case through the paper entitled "Nyebel Tradition Village on the Birth of Infant Twins Buncing in the Village Songan District Kintamani Bangli".The formulation of the issues raised in this study are (1) How is the implementation of Nyebel Desa Tradition at the Birth of Infant Twins Buncing in Songan Village, Kintamani Sub-district, Bangli Regency, (2) What is the function of Nyebel Desa Tradition on Kembar Buncing Birth at Songan Village, Kintamani Sub-district, Bangli Regency and (3) What Theological Meaning is contained in Nyebel Desa tradition on Kintar Buncing's Birth. In this research the formulation of the problem is studied with the theory that is (1) Religious Theory, (2) Structural Functional Theory and (3) Theory of Meaning.          The research location of Nyebel Desa Tradition at Kintamani Birth of Buncing is done in Songan Village Kintamani Sub-District of Bangli Regency by doing Research Methods (1) Types of Research, (2) Site Determination, (3) Research Instrument, (3) Informant Determination Technique, (4) ) Data Collection Technique, (5) Data Analysis Technique, (6) Data Presentation Technique and (7) Qualitative Descriptive. Based on Qualitative Descriptive Analysis in the results of research that is (1) Implementation of Nyebel Village Tradition on the Birth of Infant Twins Buncing, (2) Function of Nyebel village tradition in the Birth of Infant Twin Buncing, and (3) Theological Meaning contained in Nyebel Desa tradition at Birth Baby Twin Buncing.