
Every area in Bali has a variety of traditions that have been preserved to this day. There is a unique that is only available in the area. Tradition is then carried out from generation to generation so that it becomes distinctive from each region. One of the traditions related to the religious rituals performed in the village of Pakraman Kepaon Suwung Kauh is Malararan Tradition Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu. Malancaran word can be defined as a walk, the Malancaran Ceremony is a series of ceremonies of its implementation by accompanying all the Sesuunan that disungsung around the village area and at each end of the village area dedicated upakara yadnya. Malancaran ceremony is a form of bhuta yadnya ceremony in the hope that people can avoid the disease outbreak. This ceremony is routinely carried out by the villagers of Pakraman Kepaon Suwung Kauh every holy day of kajeng kliwon enyitan once every 30 days as a form of yadnya ceremony in the preservation of community tradition. Things that want to be studied from the phenomenon are (1) How is the process of performing the Malancaran Ceremony Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu Desa Pakraman Kepaon ?, (2) How Malancaran Ceremony Function Dewa Bagus Adaptation of Ratu Ayu, Desa Pakraman Kepaon ?, (3) Educational Value What Hindu religion is contained in the ceremony Malancaran Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu Desa Pakraman Kepaon?. Theories used to analyze the above problems are: Religious Theory of Koentjaraningrat, Structural Functional Theory of Triguna and Theory Value of Artadi. Techniques used to collect data are: participant observation, structured interview, literature study and document recording.The results of this study indicate that: (1) In the Ceremony Malancaran Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu in the village of Pakraman Kepaon initially is a show because it is religus make barong and rangda become sacral and Sesuunan jagat. The ceremony of "Malancaran" Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu is held on the holy day of kajeng kliwon enyitan right on sandikala (late evening) is a revelation from god in the past to expel bhuta kala and melt epidemic diseases that occurred in suwung kauh area through "Malancaran" Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu is maintained by the people of suwung kauh until now. (2) The function of the Malraran Ritual of Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu in Pakraman village kepaon is: religious function, harmony function. Cultural preservation function. (3) The values of Hindu religious education contained in the ceremony Malancaran Sesuunan Dewa Bagus Ratu Ayu Pakraman village kepaon suwung kauh South Denpasar district, Denpasar City namely: the value of character education, the value of aesthetic education, the value of health education, the value of education yadnya, the value of education atmanastuti.