
Uttara Kanda's text is one part of the Ramayana epic, the seventh kanda. Text Uttara Kanda by Rsi Walmiki is a text that tells the story of Rama to save Sita who was kidnapped byRavana in Ramayana book by Kamala Subramaniam which has been translated into Indonesian by I Gede Sanjaya in 2004. In Uttara Kanda told Rama who managed to bring back Sita to Ayodhya Pura but because Rama heard the gossip of the residents who doubt the sanctity of Sita, then Rama throw Sita into the walmiki hermitage. Related to the description, then the problems discussed in this research are 1). How is female virtue in Uttara Kanda? 2). How Women's Role in Uttara Kanda? 3). How Does Hindu Theology Mean for Female Preference in Uttara Kanda?             The theory used in this research is Structural theory and Hermeneutic theory. Structural theory refers to the theory proposed by Teewu. Structural theory is used to dissect one problem formulation. Hermeneutics theory refers to the opinion of Jurgen Habermas, that: hermeneutical understanding is directed to the traditional context of meaning. This type of research is a qualitative study that uses literature studies and techniques of batat (reading and recording). In data analysis technique, this research use description technique, data reduction and presentation of data analysis using description method. The discussion of the overview is discussed about the description, and the Uttara Kanda Text Synopsis. The discussion of virtue is discussed about the loyalty, sacrifice and devotion of women in Uttara Kanda. Discussions on Women's Roles are discussed about women as wives. Mother role to provide milk and provide the fetus for nine months, The role of women as Goddess as feminine aspect Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as a companion and powerful power of power emitted by God. The meaning of Hindu theology is discussed about the meaning of purity, the meaning of honor and the meaning of fertility in Uttara Kanda, women identified with fertility because of its production and reproduction functions.