
Dewa Ruci text tells of the Bhima character's journey in running his swadarma as a disciple of Master Drona to fulfill the task of seeking tirtha amerta pawitra. From the story contained in the Dewa Ruci’s Text has a different phenomenon or contradictions between Bhima-Drona with tirtha amerta pawitra. Thus a more in-depth study of the character, essence and religiosity of Bhima's characters on his journey in the literary works of the Dewa Ruci Text is required. Based on these descriptions, in this study Bhima figures on the Dewa Ruci Text as the object of research, with the title "Bhima In the Text of Dewa Ruci (Hindu Theological Studies).  The results obtained in this study, that the structure that builds the Text of Dewa Ruci consists of synopsis, figure, incident, plot, background, theme and message. While the characters possessed by Bhima characters in Text of Dewa Ruci include obedient characters, ego and arrogant characters, strong character, honest character, unyielding character, knight character, wise character, and diligent character. The essence of Bhima's release in the Text of Dewa Ruci is contained in the discourse given by Hyang Dewa Ruci to Bhima, that all living beings must always be conscious of the self according to the way they choose based on karma (action), jnana (knowledge) and dharma. Thus, it will guide man to unite with the highest essence. The religiosity of the Bhima figures is reflected in Bhima journey which is a process of self-control and submission. In addition, the Bhima character's journey also reflects the holy journey that sanctifies itself so that he is able to meet with Hyang Dewa Ruci, in other words Bhima journey is a form of thirtayatra. As well as other theological teachings contained in the Text of Dewa Ruci is the existence of the concept of pramana as a concept that supports living things. By knowing this knowledge is expected Bhima as human depiction can reach moksartham jagadhitaya.