
Any unique routine is done by Butterflies Foundation at Bangli Regancy which behind their deficency give the education, especialy the education aplication of Hinduism Religion feisible to hold the research. The Problem study : (1) The form of the aplication education of Hinduism Religion; (2) The obstacle on aplicating education of Hinduism Religion; and (3) Resolve the obstacle on education aplicating of Hinduism Religion. Commonly the research is to know the education aplication of Hinduism Religion at Butterflies Foundation as a place for disabilities children to study education like the aplication, obstacle and effort  their resolve. Problem analisys on this research is based on the theory that relevant  with theory of structural fungsional, which it’s reviewing the education aplication of Hinduism Religion, theory of action reviewing the obstacle, and theory to motivate to analize and to resolve the obstacle. This reserach is belong to qualitative descrivtive research which the data source from primary and secondary data. The data is collected by using non partisipant obsevation technic, interview random ( structure and unstructure), literature reviewand documentation. Data analisis by reduction of present data and take the conclusion.   Based on that presentation can be concluded that form of the education aplication of Hinduism Religion at by Butterflies Foundation at Bangli Regancy is found on form (1) learning process, (2) Yoga exercise, (3) through the tirtayatra, and (4) on daily activity such as give something to someelse (ngejot) and ofer someting to the God (mebanten). The obstacle that block activity the education aplication of Hinduism Religion at by Butterflies Foundation commonly is coused by two factors, they are : (1) the members of  Butterflies Foundation which is abnormal  (disability) (physical disability, mental disability, and physical and mental disability); and, (2) The componen of facilities and infrastucturewhich not adequate such as there is not support book and another facilities and infrastructure. The effort to resolve the education aplication of Hinduism Religion at Butterflies Foundation Bangli Regancy is hold by any activity such as (1) give the briefing, guiding, and educate both teacher and staff to abnormal children when doing routine, and (2) Look for the donation both material and non material to menunjang  the activity at Butterflies Foundation at Bangli Regancy.