
Mepantigan art is a blend between traditional and modern martial arts using mud pond as a show stage. As a tourist attraction, a proper management becomes  the   essential  things.  This  research  will   be   discussing  how  the management of Mepantigan arts as a tourist attraction in Batubulan village of Gianyar  Regency.  Discussion  will  be  focused  on  three  things:  the  form  of Mepantigan Arts, the internal and external management and the tourist perception. The purpose of this research is generally to know the management of tourist attraction that has been growing in Batubulan village, especially the management of Mepantigan Arts being a tourist attraction. The research was conducted in June till August 2016. The theories used in this research are Management Theory and Perception Theory. This research used qualitative data and quantitative data as supporting data. Informant were selected by purposive sampling technique and sampling of respondent was conducted by accidental samplingThe result of study showed that Mepantigan Arts derived from traditional martial arts of sitembak, 7 harian, and tengklung, and combined with modern martial arts of judo and silat. Both forms of these martial arts were shown and accompanied with Bleganjur music in Mepantigan arts. While, the management based on management function of POAC (planning, organizing, actuating, controlling), which is divided into internal management, including location arrangement and organization structure, facilities, and human resource. While, the external management is done by cooperating with agencies from goverment or privates, travel agent, community and tourists.The tourist’s perception about the management of Mepantigan arts as tourist attraction reviewed from indicators of performance presentation was judged very good with score of 4.46. very good ratings were also obtained from indicators of Mepantigan technique by instructor and services provided by team of Mepantigan arts that was get score 4.31 and 4.26. While, the indicators that obtain average good rating are state of location with score 3.69 and facilities provided with score 3.49.