
In order to maintain the unity and unity of the community, it is necessary to respect each other and respect the high of each religious people, in order to create a mental attitude oriented to high tolerance value, and strive for a life-oriented attitude of mutual care, asih and foster (selunglung sebayantaka paras paros sarpanaya).The issues discussed are: (1) What are the forms of Religious Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam, (2) What are the efforts undertaken in fostering Religious Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam, (3) What are the supporting factors The implementation of the Religious Tolerance Behavior between Hinduism and Islam, (4) What are the factors inhibiting the implementation of Religious Tolerance of Hinduism and Islam.Theories used to analyze problems are: (1) Social Interaction Theory, (2) Structural Functional Theory, (3) Tolerance Theory. The subject of this research is Lelateng Urban Village. Methods of data collection are obeservasi participation, unstructured interviews, assisted by using snowball techniques, documentation and literature study. The collected data is analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis method with step reduction step, data presentation, and conclusion.The result of the research shows (1) The form of Tolerance of Religious People between Hindu and Islam in Kelurahan Lelateng can be seen in the field of Social, Economics, Religion, Arts and Culture. (2) Efforts made to foster Tolerance attitude, among others, by the Government in the form of dialogue and cooperation of religious people, by Bendesa Pasraman Kilat, by religious leaders in the form of Dharma Discourse or Dharma Tula and pengajian-pengajian. (3) Supporting factors for the establishment of Tolerance between Hindu and Islam attitude due to the kinship system and the strengthening of religious teachings. (4) The inhibiting factor of Tolerance between Hinduism and Islam due to social prejudices from Hindus, excessive fanaticism of Islam, and the assumption of Islam towards other religions other than Islam is Kafir.