
           Purwoasri is one of the villages in Banyuwangi Regency. Most of the people are Hindus, but not a few adherents of Islam. Javanese culture has existed since prehistoric times, the arrival of Hinduism on the island of Java gave birth to the Javanese Hindu culture that every activity can not be separated with the tradition of Kenduri. Kenduri is basically a tradition of praying together that is attended by neighbors and led by traditional leaders, who follow the tradition of kenduri inipun also not only people who are Hindus, but religious other than Hindupun also included in pelaksaannya, but harmony is very awake in society This purwoasri though they are different religions but very respect for each other. Based on the background of existing problems, then in this study presents three formulation of the problem as follows (1) How the process of kenduri tradition in Javanese society at the celebration of galungan holiday in Purwoasri Village, Tegaldlimo Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, (2) What is the function of kenduri tradition in Javanese society at the ceremony of the galungan holiday in Purwoasri Village, Tegaldlimo Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, (3) What theological meaning is contained in the tradition of kenduri in Javanese society at the celebration of Galungan Festival in Purwoasri Village, Tegaldlimo Sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency. The purpose of this research is to know (1) The implementation of the tradition of kenduri (2) The function contained in the tradition of kenduri (3) The theological meaning contained in the tradition of kenduri. Theory used to analyze the problem formulation is the theory (1) Religious theory to dissect deep discussion on Javanese religious beliefs (2) structural functional theory to dissect the quality of beliefs of society or aspects of sradha and devotion in the field of religion (3) Theory of symbol to analyze the theological value contained in the tradition of kenduri. With the descriptive analysis, the results of the research (1) The process of implementing the kenduri tradition, which includes: the preparation stage of kenduri tradition begins with the making of offerings, kenduri tradition which begins with the prayer readings by the village elders then followed by the participants of the kenduri then continued with the blessing or banten (2) The function of tradition of kenduri namely social function and religious function (3) The meaning of traditional theology of kenduri includes the meaning of ethics and the meaning of balance.