
Execution Of Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan represent Its Deity ceremony of candid dedicated him heartily fore part of Ida Hyang Widhi Wasa along with Ceremony manifestasi-Nya. Execution of Sabha Pamelangan very unique because each;every its execution is always related with a few tradition like tradition of tajen tingkih lan taluh, wood tajen of jepun celagi lan, woman and meceleng-celengan may not pray to is especial of field.As for problem to be studied by for example ( 1) Procession Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet District Of Citadel Sub-Province of Karangasem. ( 2) Function Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet District of Citadel Sub-Province of karangasem. ( 3) Execution of Ceremony of Sabha pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet of Kecamatan Citadel Sub-Province of Karangasem seen from Sosio Religius. As for of is intention of this research its it him shall be as follows; ( 1) To know Ceremony procession of Sabha Pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet District Of Citadel Sub-Province of Karangasem. ( 2) to know Ceremony function of Sabha Pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet District of Citadel Sub-Province of karangasem. ( 3) To know Execution of Ceremony of Sabha pamelangan in Gate of Pamelangan Countryside Hamlet District Of Citadel Sub-Province of Karangasem seen from Religion Sosio.Theory whichis used to analyse problem is : theory of Religi, of Koentjaraningrat, Structural theory Is functional, than Talcott Parson. Subjek research of Countryside society of Dukuh.Metode data collecting is observation, interview, and documentation of kepustakaan.Data which have been gathered is later;then analysed with technique of anlisis deskristif qualitative with stages;steps reduce data, presentation of data and withdrawal of node.Result of research show ( 1) Procession Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan cover pesangkepan, pangresik ngererata.ngaturang, mecaru, tradition of taluh tingkih lan, wood tajen of jepun celagi lan, meceleng-celengan, piodal. executing. kramaning banten ngaturang curtsey, bija lan tirta nunas and of mareresik in Gate areal of Pamelangan. ( 2) Function Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan cover; function of adaption ( continuation of budaya),fungsigoalattainment ( form of bhakti), function of integration ( function and sosial) of latensi ( harmonious is scorpion of lan immaterial) ( 3) religion Sosio [at] Ceremony of Sabha Pamelangan cover; confidence of[is existence of occult strength, occult strength meaning ( society abstention), and aninisme of dinanisme ( resuscitation of x'self