
The ceremony of Macaru Mabiasan is one of the bhuta yajna ceremonies held once a year, in the ceremony of kesanga before tilem kesanga, in the series of activity pelastian ceremony  where the main process held just before the Almighty God in Balai Agung Temple of Petang Village entering penyineban ceremony. This ceremony held by society of Petang village because it is believed that the activity of Macaru Mabiasan ceremony will protect them from negative spirit as well as the society of Petang Village will be avoided from the epidemic. This activity influences the value of the symbols in the Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony. Therefore the issues in this research can be formulated as follows : 1) How the process of symbolic communication in the Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village,Petang district, Badung regency 2)How the function of symbolic communication in Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village Petang district Badung regency 3)What are the obstacle of symbolic communication in Macaru Mabiasan Ceremony at Petang Village Petang district Badung Regency.In connection with this there are several theories that can be used to dissect this problem, they are Symbolic Interactionism Theory, Structural Functional Theory, Theory of Communication Barriers. The research approach uses qualitative method. Data source in this research consist of primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used four techniques, namely: observation, interview, documentation and literature study. Data analysis techniques used are reduction, data presentation, and take the conclusions. Presentation of research result used descriptive method.The results of this research are: 1) Symbolic communication process in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony includes communication components in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, symbolic communication process in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, covering several steps of communication process in primary and secondary, symbolic communications in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony, 2) Symbolic communication functions in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony include: Adaptation Function, Preservation Function, Educated Communication Function, Influencing Function, 3) Symbolic communication constraints in Macaru Mabiasan ceremony include Internal Constraints and External Constraints.