
Puja Pitara Tradition is one of the ritual forms of death of the Hindu community in Java that has been done for generations and is intended for the ancestors or spirits of a deceased person. Puja Pitara Tradition is held on the first day until the seventh day when the person dies, and is held back on 40 days, 100 days, 1000 days or so-called "Nyewu", until the ceremonial called pengeling-eling are done exactly on the day the person dies as the reminder of the day of death. Related to the description above, then the problem discussed in this research is (1) How is Puja Pitara procession in death ritual for Hindu people in Sidorejo Village Purwoharjo Sub-district of Banyuwangi Regency? (2) What is Puja Pitara's function in the death ritual for Hindus in Sidorejo Village Purwoharjo Sub-district, Banyuwangi District? (3) What are the implications of the implementation of Puja Pitara tradition in the death ritual for Hindus in Sidorejo Village Purwoharjo Sub-district, Banyuwangi District?The theory used in this research is the theory of religion used to examine the formulation of the first problem, structural functional theory to study the formulation of the second problem, and the theory of symbols to study the formulation of the third problem. This research is a qualitative research which in collecting data, researcher use observation technique, interview, document study and literature study.The results of this research is the process of implementation of Puja Pitara tradition starting from the preparation of ceremonial facilities and ceremonies, atur piuning by pemangku or the stakeholders, praying together, reading the holy mantras of Puja Pitara, then doing the closing prayer. Puja Pitara Tradition is aimed to pray to the atman or spirit of the deceased can reach moksha or Manunggaling Kawula Gusti. Puja Pitara Tradition has functions such as: (1) The Function of Preserving Tradition, (2) The Function of Sraddha and Bhakti, (3) Social Function. Implications of the implementation of Puja Pitara Tradition are: (1) Increasing Sraddha and Bhakti, (2) Happiness, (3) Harmony.