The Role of the Center for Language Improvement in Enhanching Speaking Skills of The Class One of The Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor at The Girls’ Second Campuss (ar)


The Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam Gontor of the girls 2nd second campus, in conducting the Arabic learning establishes a special section, the center for language improvement, to build a language system and conduct linguistic activities in this boarding school.  The problem the class one faces is difficulty to understand Arabic speaking and lack of knowledge of language, so that it’s considered that the center plays an important role. This research takes the descriptive qualitative approach with three methods: observation, interviews and written documents. The result shows that the center has various duties such as to organize Arabic speaking courses, language competitions, language games and so on. This research finds that there are still some shortcomings  the center has performed. From this study it’s advised that it should make more various programs that make the foreign language easier for the students to learn as well as give them more advices, motivation and guidance