Tinjauan tentang Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam di Sekolah dan Madrasah


BK Services is one of education has an important role in efforts to achieve national education goals. Assistance provided through BK directed at mastery of the competencies required to face the challenges and problems faced by learners. So it is necessary that the professional educators who are able to guide and train their students. Guidance and counseling for the alleged wisdom of guidance and counseling widely available in a variety of good business to humanize or glorify man. In Islam the use of the word counseling has two characteristics, namely counseling Islam and Islamic counseling. The second term has its own path of thinking, associated with the existence of scientific counseling in Islam. Therefore, the general pattern of BK in the school known as "BK pattern 17 at school 'which consists of 4 field guidance, 7 types of services, and 5 supporting activities and is supported by extensive knowledge and solid understanding with regard to the guidance and counseling itself is expected to complete the achievement of national education.