Overcoming Spoiled Children with Natural Approachment


Spoiled is the attitudes and actions of children obtained from the environment such as family environment, community environment, and school environment. These things can affect children to not to have self-reliance to learn and to do things optimally. In overcoming the children indulgence, parents should know the factors that cause it. Several factors cause children to be spoiled can come from the family, community and school. Through this literature review, the author tries to propose some good and planned strategies that can be carried out by the teacher and parents. Parents and teachers can do various activities so that children are stimulated to do their activities. Teachers can also approach directly and work closely with children's parents in creating children's independence programs. Tips for parents to deal with spoiled children are consistent with parents mean what they say as it builds credibly, provide explanations that are easy for children to understand about independence in everyday life, show and explain good and bad behaviour in children. Besides, parents must consistently give punishment and praise to children if they succeed or violate the rules regarding self-reliance, and involve children in various social activities so that children can learn to share, communicate and control his ego.