Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan E-Filling: Studi Pada UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta


This study aims to determine empirically the influence of information technology, perceived ease of users of, and satisfaction of users to use e-Filing for Taxpayers. Data obtained by survey method using a questionnaire as a data collection staple. Samples were selected using purposive sampling method. This study is causal, and the study site was Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta by taking a sample of respondents from the unit faculty and the rector. Data analysis was carried out using validity, reliability testing, multiple linear regression analysis, the classical assumption, as well as using the t test for partial hypothesis testing, and test to examine the influence f simultaneously, and the coefficient of determination. Based on the results of the analysis can be concluded that partial information technology, and user satisfaction significantly influence the use of e-Filing Taxpayers, whereas perceived ease of users of not striving against the use of e-Filing for Taxpayers. Simultaneously, information technology, perceived ease of use of, and user satisfaction effect on the use of e-Filing for Taxpayers.