تطبيق وسائل اللوحة المغناطيسية لترقية مهارة الكتابة لتلاميذ الفصل الثامن بمدرسة واحد هاشم المتوسطة سورابايا


Relevan strategies are needed to improve students’ ability and improve their ability. One way to get that strategy is use media that supports the learning process. Magnetic board media is a display board consisting of thin steel surfaces coated with magnets. The method used in this study is the experimental method which is part of the quantitative method. The researchers used the method of observation, interviews, documentation and tests as a way to obtain data in the study. This research was conducted at MTs Wachid Hasyim Suarabaya with class VIII as the sample. The purpose of using this media in learning is to improve student’s Arabic writing skills. The results of this study indicate that by applying this magnetic board media there are significant differences between before using this media and after using this media. Therefore, researchers can conclude that the application of magnetic media boards is able to improve student’s writing skills in Arabic.