Rumah Ulama sebagai Aktivitas Ilmiah
Hadirnya Islam telah memicu adanya aktivitas ilmiah dikalangan umatnya. Pada masa Rasulluah, kegiatan tersebut dilangsungkan dirumah sahabat Al-Arqam bin Arqam dengan pengajaran pokok-pokok akidah dan penyampaian wahyu-wahyu ilahi yang turun kepada Rasulullah. Hal itu berlangsung dalam kurun waktu 13 tahun. Pasca Rasulullah juga terdapat beberapa rumah ulama’ terkenal yang menjadi tempat belajar, antara lain: Rumah Ar-Rais Ibnu Sina, rumah Abu Sulaiman As-Sajastani, rumah Imam Ghazali, rumah Ali bin Muhammad Al-Fasihi, rumah Ya’qub ibnu Killis yang dikenal dengan wazir Khalifah Al-Aziz Billah Al-Fatimi, dan rumah Imam Ahmad Ibnu Muhammad Abu Thahir. The presence of Islam has triggered scientific activity among its humankind. At the time of Rasulullah, the activity was conducted at the home of the friend of Al-Arqam bin Arqam with the principles of faith learning and the transmission of divine revelation which came down to the Messenger to Rasulullah. It lasted for 13 years. Post-Rasulullah also had several famous 'ulama' houses of study, among others: the house of Ar-Rais Ibn Sina, the house of Abu Sulaiman As-Sajastani, the house of Imam Ghazali, the house of Ali bin Muhammad Al-Fasihi, the house of Ya'qub ibn Killis known as the Al-Aziz Caliphate of Al-Fatimi Caliphate, and the house of Imam Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Abu Thahir.