Penerapan Metode Tutor Sebaya Untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika (Studi Kasus Di Kelas XI MIA-3 MAN Sipirok Tapanuli Selatan)


This research is based on the background of students' low critical thinking skills in classroom learning. This is caused by the conventional learning process, and using learning methods that are less varied. to overcome the low critical thinking skills students can use peer tutoring learning methods that require students to be more active, critical during the learning process.This study aims to determine the improvement of students' critical thinking skills in trigonometry material using peer tutoring learning methods in class XI MIA-3 MAN Sipirok, through peer tutoring learning methods are expected to be more active and meaningful learning for students so that they are ultimately able to provide and improve thinking skills critical students in trigonometry material.The type of research used is PTK (classroom action research) using two cycles, and each cycle 2 meetings. One cycle consisted of planning (planning), action (action), observasi (observation) and refleksi (reflection), this sub-research was class XI MIA-3 MAN Sipirok 2017/2018 academic years consisting of 37 students.Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that by using the peer tutoring method that is able to obtain an increase in students' critical thinking skills in the subject matter of trigonometry in class XI MIA-3 MAN Sipirok in each cycle the improvement of critical thinking skills occurs in overall critical thinking, so the results of the increase in critical thinking of students from the first cycle of meeting I of meeting I 51,35%  be 62,16% cycle of meeting II cycle of meeting I, cycle II of meeting I 75,68% be 86, 48% cycle II of meeting.Thus the critical thinking skills of students in class XI MIA-3 MAN Sipirok achieved through Peer Tutoring learning methods have reached the highest percentage in this study which is 86.48%.