Efektivitas Konseling DM dalam Meningkatkan Kepatuhan dan Pengendalian Gula Darah pada Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2


<p>Background. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Poor adherence to treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes causes uncontrolled blood glucose so<br />increasing the risk of various complications. One major factor is the failure of a treatment noncompliance to therapy is planned. Counseling is one way to improve the knowledge , attitudes and patient compliance.</p><p>Objective. This study aimed to evaluate the eff ectiveness of counseling in improving compliance and diabetes control blood sugar in patients with type 2 diabetes.</p><p><br />Research Design. This study is an experimental study with a quasi experiment design with pre and post test control group design prospectively performed in Dr Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten from March to December 2014. The<br />sample consisted of 44 respondents, with 22 intervention and 22 control group. The measurement results were analyzed using the paired t test to test blood sugar levels 2 hours post- prandial ( GDPP ) and Mac Nemar test for levels of patient compliance.</p><p>Results. The analysis showed there are signifi cant diff erence before and after adherence counseling in the intervention group (p diet =0.001; p control =  0.002; p = 0.000 pill count; GDPP p = 0.000 ) and have not signifi cant diff erence in the exercise group (p value =0.549)</p><p><br />Conclusions. This study indicates that counseling is very eff ective in improving<br />diabetes diet compliance, control and pill count and post prandial blood sugar complianceb(GDPP) and are not eff ective in improvingbexercise compliance of patients .<br />Keywords: counseling, compliance, diabetes mellitus</p>