Pengaruh Pemeberian Ekstrak Etanol Delphinium Grandifl orum Terhadap Tanda Somatik dan Tanda Afektif Nicotine Withdrawal Syndrome pada Tikus Sprague Dawley Betina yang Diberi Nikotin Peroral


<p>Background. Nicotine abstinence will lead nicotine withdrawal syndrome in somatic signs and aff  ective signs. Somatic signs such as body weight change. Aff  ective signs such as sign of anxiety. Nicotine withdrawal syndrome will increasing the desire to use nicotine. Delphinium grandifl orum is a plant with methyllcyaconitine (MLA). Methyllcyaconitine (MLA) is antagonist competitive which block α7 nAChRs. It will lowering the desire to use nicotine without induce nicotine withdrawal syndrome. Objective. To know the eff  ect of ethanolic extract Delphinium grandifl orum in somatic signs and aff  ective signs of nicotine withdrawal syndrome in Sprague Dawley female rats treated with oral nicotine.</p><p>Methods. This study was quasi experiment with pre and post control group design. Rats were grouped into 4 groups. The groups are OO (control), NO (nicotine+aquabides), ND 3 (nicotine+ D. grandifl orum 3 mg/kg), ND 6 (nicotine+ D. grandifl orum 6 mg/kg). Nicotine was given ad libitum. Nicotine was given via drinking water with a step wise increase of dosage every 4 days until 15 days. Somatic signs and aff  ective signs were observed during 24 hours period after abstinentia (16th and 20th days) on dark cycle. Light cycle on 18.00- 06.00, dark cycle on 06.00-18.00. Aff  ective signs was observed with open spent time and open arm entries by Elevated Plus Maze.</p><p>Result. There is no signifi cant diff  erences between group for  body weight, open spent time and open arm entries on day 16 and 20. <br />Conclution. There is have no eff  ect of ethanolic extract Delphinium grandifl orum and nicotine administration for somatic signs, aff  ective signs of nicotine withdrawal syndrome in Sprague dawley female rats.</p><p>Keywords. Nicotine, nicotine withdrawal syndrome, somatic signs, aff  ective signs.</p>