IbM Pemanfaatan Limbah Jerami di Desa Banjarsari Kecamatan Sumberasih Kabupaten Probolinggo
Most of the people in the village of Banjarsari, which is located in Sumberasih District at Probolinggo Regency, have the main livelihood as traditional farmers and ranchers. Rice straw is one of the agricultural byproducts that are available quite abundant in each planting season, and can be utilized as the basic ingredients of feed that can help the availability of livestock nutrition supply in the dry season. Rice straw as the main ingredient of bokashi fertilizer, can also be used to increase the organic material content of paddy fields. One of the main causes the farmer and racher group prefer to burn and not using this rice straw, is the process of choping the straw that takes up time and man hour. The purpose of the implementation of this event, is to raise awareness of farmers in order to increase yield productivity in farmers and farmers, since it would be easier for livestock to digest the straw and thus becoming more nutritious feed; also that the finely chopped straw will also improve the quality of composting in bokashi fertilizer processing. The methods used to achieve these objectives are: Demonstration and Training, both theoretical and practical on the subject of: (1) the engineering techniques of straw chopper machines; (2) procedure of straw chop machine maintenance and safety; (3) usefulness and method of making straw-based feed; (4) usefulness and method of making bokashi fertilizer made from straw, (5) training farmer’s mindset of organization management, production and marketing good. The result shows that most traditional farmers and ranchers never heard or understood about the usage of straw in for livestock feed and bokashi fertilizer, thus the technology and machine introduction were so welcomed in positive manner