Pendampingan Kunjungan Budaya Wisatawan Prancis Di Kampung Seni Dan Budaya Jelekong Bale Endah Kabupaten Bandung


This independent community service activity is entitled the assistance of french travelers visits culture in the Village of Arts and Culture Jelekong Bale Endah - Bandung. The head of the PPM and members of PPM were acted as French interpreter at various activities in the village of GiriHarja or better known as Village of Jelekong. The main objective of this activity is to introduce of Arts and culture village of Jelekong as potential tourism assets to French tourists. With this activity, Jelekong is expected  as a center of art and culture which can not only preserve Sundanese culture but can also be more widely known and be able to develop a variety of artistic and cultural potential that already exists. The activities that have been done are Sundanese culinary cooking demonstrations, painting workshop, Jaipong workshop, and martial arts workshop. These activities are considered successful because of Jelekong people and French tourist’s participation were high enough in series of activities