
The students in class X 2 of MAN 3 Kediri generally consider PKN less important lesson. As a result, the students are reluctant to know the material. In class, they become passive, unexcited, and have difficultyin understanding the material of PKN given by the teacher. Therefore, special learning strategyis needed to enhance students’ motivation to learn PKN materials. Learning strategy in this study is “In The News”. The procedure of“In The News approach” is that students are divided into groups in which each group has to bring articles, headlines, editorials or certain caricatures as teachers expected.Each group chooses one article of their interest to be presented and discussed; Another student noted the key points of the presentation the discussion. The research data shows that an increase in students’ motivation and comparedto the results of the previous and the last cycle. Thus we can conclude that from the aspect of affective (motivation) approaches used have positive impact.Keywords: PKN, class X of MAN 3 Kediri, In The News, Motivation introduction