
As an area that had ever been under the authority of Hindu Kingdom of Padjajaran in which the majority of its society professed Hindu and it had ever become one of the International trading centres and one of the central spots of Islamic studies in the archipelago during The Islamic Sultanate of Banten period in which many people of various ethnics came into Banten not only for conducting trading activities, but also for conducting religious proselytizing (dakwah) and studying Islam, Banten looked like becoming a magnet for people from many ethnics to earn a living, even to live permanently in Banten. Furthermore, they assimilated, integrated and conducted social interaction with local community of Banten. The majority of Bantenese society basically consisted of two dominant ethnics, "Jawa Banten people" and "Sunda Banten people". However, it is wrong to consider that Sundanese ethnic of Banten is the same as Sundanese people of Priangan, Jawa Barat and Javanese ethnic of Banten is similar to Javanese people in Central and East Java due to the difference of languages and cultures among them. As stated on the title, this article discusses the ethnic diversity of Banten. Furthermore, this article also tries to explain the social structure of Bantenese society in the sultanate period, the pre-colonial period, and post-colonial period.