
The problem of this research is "Do song lyrics can improve speaking ability". The research objective is improving children speaking ability by using song lyrics in group B1 PAUD Haqiqi Bengkulu. The research is classroom actioin research, conducted by 2 cycle and every cycle conducted by 3 times meeting. Subject of this research is group B1 PAUD Haqiqi Bengkulu, with sample of 10 people, consisting of 5 boys and 5 girls. The data in this research is obtained by tehcnique of observation. The technique of analysis data is using average value and the provision of lerning. The result of this indicate by using song lyrics (singing) can improve children speaking ability, it can seenat the result of average value in speaking class at cycle II and this meeting is 4,113 (very good). From the result, it is recommended to improving children speaking ability by using song lyrics.