Bentuk-Bentuk Pesan Dakwah dalam Kajian Al-Qur’an


This paper aims to examine the form of da’wa mes­­­­­­­­­­­sa­­ge in the al-Qur’an. It argues that the forms of pro­selytizing (da’wa) message in the Qur’an encompass; Qur’­anic verses, prophetic tradition, scholar’s opinions, research results, stories, and news. The Qur’anic verses play a major role in regard with da’wa message due to its dis­tinctive func­tions, namely as guidance or humankind, crite­rion between right and wrong, evaluation standards for other holy scrip­tures, and as a medium of enlightenment. Ḥadȋth of the Prophet Muhammad, Saw., also consi­dered as form of da’wa message because it interpret some verses or make clarifications of ambiguities which hide in some verses. While ulema roles is as a refe­rence for religious studies as well as stories and news constitute the proselytizing message.