Korelasi Komunikasi Interpersonal Efektif & Kualitas Layanan Tim Medis terhadap Kepuasan Pasien


Effective medical staff-patient interpersonal com­mu­ni­cation is a central clinical function. This study was a sur­vey of 96 patients at Claudia Bagan Batu Hospital, Riau at­temp­ting to contribute the role of interpersonal communi­ca­­tion and a hospital's service quality towards patient satis­fac­tion. By utilizing correlation analysis between variables and regression to each variable, this study has found a strong correlation between variable of interpersonal com­mu­ni­cation and variable patient satisfaction (0.805) and the moderate correlation between the variable of service quality and patient satisfaction (0.639). In short, it has revealed that there has been a strong influence between interpersonal com­mu­nication and service quality at Claudia Bagan Batu Hospital on patient satisfaction (87.8%).