DA’WAH NETWORKING (Da’wah Approach by IDIAL– MUI of East Java in Localization of Prostitution)


Da'wah in localization of prostitution is very challenging and full of dynamics. Da’wah networking by IDIAL - MUI of East Java is realized in the form of cooperation with various related elements that have a common goal both with the government and private in localization of prostitution. The da'wah approach thata used are structural and cultural approach. Structural approach, namely using of authority, in this case the governor, regent or mayor in closing localization of prostitution, while the cultural approach is used to create a conducive situation in the localization of prostitution. Supporting factors are government and private support both in the form of supporting funds and  providing skills and security training, while the inhibiting factors are resistance from NGOs, thugs and counter-parties to localization of prostitution in the form of physical and psychological threats. Recommendations for further research, in order to examine the impact of closing prostitution localization in East Java, both positive and negative impacts.