Gerakan Dakwah Tarekat Qodiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah di Grobogan
This study aims to examine the proselytizing movement of Tarekat Qodiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah (TQN) in Ngroto Village during 1984-2015. Using qualitative method and phenomenological approach, the findings have revealed that the proselytizing (da’wah) of TQN was conducted through internal and external organizations. Meanwhile, TQN’s strategy of da’wah ulitised individual and collective approach though establishing Islamic boarding school (pesantren), social activities, center of economic activity, and organization called al-Khidmah. In regard with personal approach, a talqin or caliph representative acts more as a religious counselor. Further, the message of proselytizing of TQN attempts to comprehend tauhid, fiqh and tasawwuf (mysticism).