Diskursus Islam Nusantara dalam Representasi Media Massa


This study aims to look at how the representation of the Islam Nusantara in the national media in Indonesia, namely Kompas and Republika. The method used in this stu­dy is critical discourse analysis, Theo van Leeuwen, which focuses on how actors are represented in media texts both in the inclusion and the exclusion strategies. This study con­cludes that, first, Kompas tends to support the Islamic dis­cour­se of Nusantara, while Republika tend to reject the dis­course. Further, Kompas represents the ideology of pluralism and nationalism, whilts Republika tends to present a contes­tation between the pros and cons of Islam Nusantara. Those who disagree with Islam Nusantara more represent the ideo­logy of scrituralism, whilst those who pros of it tend to ref­lect traditionalist ideology.