Pengembangan Panduan Pembuatan Media Taktil yang Diaplikasikan Dalam Pembelajaran IPA


This research had purpose to develop of the creating tactile media applied to science learning. It can be done because of learning science in elementary school today still require effort to meet the expectations of the applicable curriculum. Creativity and cognitive learning outcomes of children towards science learning was very low. Difficulties they earn require concrete media in learning. This study aimed to apply the guidance manufacture tactile media to create media that was applied in science learning is then seen its effectiveness against creativity and cognitive learning outcomes of students. The subjects were students 4th grades elementary school Entalsewu 2016/2017 as many as 25 students. The result showed that the general guidelines developed was in good category, with a value of N-Gain creativity test results, obtained in the posttest and pretest with a range of scores 0.9, which means the higher the score range. The overall of testing the cognitive learning classically posttest were complete with a percentage of 100%.