INEFISIENSI PENGADAAN TANAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN UMUM (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Waduk Jatigede di Kabupaten Sumedang)


The construction of the Jatigede Dam for the public interest is imbalanced in its implementation. Based on the results of observations, researchers see a lot of problems that occur, including land acquisition issued a lot of regulations, implementation is quite long, and the costs incurred are quite large. The researcher uses E. Bardach's theory, to determine administrative operability (authority, institutional commitment, capability, organizational support) criteria, to find out the impact of policy researchers using the theory of Thomas R. Dye. Research methods and approaches are carried out with qualitative and quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The method of data collection is through observation, semistructured interviews and documentation. The informant selection technique uses purposive techniques and the validity of the data by data triangulation. The results of this study using the administrative operability criteria approach did not meet the criteria optimally