
Hadis Maudhu’ adalah sesuatu yang disandarkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w samaada perbuatannya, perkataannya, taqrirnya, sifat akhlaqnya atau sifat semulajadinya, secara rekaan atau dusta semata-mata. Di dalam penggunaan masyarakat Islam di negara kita, hadis maudhu’ disebut juga dengan nama hadis palsu. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah faktor kemunculan hadis maudhu’ serta kesannya terhadap amalan beribadah umat Islam sekarang ini. Kajian ini merupakan kajian kualitatif melalui temu bual serta pengumpulan dokumen berupa kitab-kitab hadis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa faktor kemunculan hadis maudu’ adalah adanya musuh Islam yang ingin merosakkan hadis yang betul, sikap fanatik terhadap kumpulan, sikap ambil mudah dalam meriwayatkan hadith, sikap kepentingan diri dan mencari kemasyhuran orang ramai, Kejahilan tentang ajaran Islam yang sebenar. Kesan hadis maudhu’ merosakkan akidah umat Islam, Merosakkan amalan syariah umat Islam, Merosakkan akhlak umat Islam, Merosakkan pendirian umat Islam, Mengabaikan hadith sahih. Untuk itu pengkaji mencadangkan supaya umat Islam lebih berhati-hati dalam memahami sesuatu hadis serta mengamalkannya, kerana ditakutkan ianya merupakan hadis maudu’ atau hadis palsu.   ABSTRACT: Hadith Maudhu' 'is something that is attributed to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w whether it is his actions, his words, his taqrir, his morality or his natural state, falsely or simply. In the use of the Muslim community in our country, the hadith maudhu 'is also called a false hadith. The purpose of this study is to see what is the origin of the hadith of maudhu 'and its effect on the worship practices of Muslims today. This study is a qualitative study through interviews and document collection in the form of hadith books. The results show that the factor of the emergence of the maudu hadith 'is the presence of the Muslim enemy who wants to destroy the hadith, the fanatical attitude towards the group, the easy attitude towards narrating the hadith, the attitude of the self and seeking public fame, ignorance of the true teachings of Islam. The effect of hadith maudhu 'is damaging to the faith of Muslims, it is damaging to the shariah practice of Muslims, it is damaging to the morals of Muslims, it is damaging to Muslims, it is disregarding authentic hadiths. Therefore, researchers suggest that Muslims should be more careful in understanding a hadith and practicing it, because it is feared that it is a maudu 'or false hadith.