
Isu utama dari artikel ini adalah eksistensi perkawinan adat Kaili dalam tinjauan Hukum Islam dan KHI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan menggambarkan kedudukan praktek perkawinan adat Kaili dengan Hukum Islam dan KHI. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pendekatan interdisipliner antara lain teologi-normatif, sosiologi, budaya, filosofi, empiris, dan pendekatan hukum. Informan yang dijadikan sumber dipilih secara acak berdasarkan agama dan tokoh masyarakat. Begitu pula pemerintah dan orang-orang yang mengerti isu ini. Data diambil dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan reduksi data, presentasi dan ferivikasi. Data diperifikasi dengan menggunakan tekhnik triangulasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai dan proses perkawinan adat Kaili tidak terjadi konflik/pertentangan dengan hukum Islam dan KHI. Beberapa aspek dari tradisi perkawinan itu tidak ditemukan dalam hukum Islam dan KHI, seperti ritual notate dala, pambeka nganga, sambulu yang diekspresikan dalam peminangan. Meskipun demikian, ketika diteliti ternyata bahwa ritual-ritual tersebut tidak ada yang bertentangan dengan hukum Islam dan KHI.ABSTRACTThe main issue to deal with in this article is the existence of indigenous Kaili marriage proposal viewed from the perspective of Islamic jurisprudence and KHI. The purpose of this study is to provide a clear and comprehensive description of which aspect of this customary practice is coincident with Islamic jurisprudence and KHI. The type of this research is a descriptive-qualitative, and applying an interdisciplinary approach, which includes theological-normative, sociological, cultural, philosophical, juridical-normative, empirical and juridical (legal-sociological) approaches. The informants selected include tribal, religious, and community leaders. As well as government and individuals who understand the issue. The data were gathered from observation, interviews and documentation process. The data were then analyzed using the techniques of reduction, presentation, and verification. The validity of data was checked by triangulation techniques. The results show that both values and procedures of indigenous marriage proposal of Kaili do not conflict with the Islamic jurisprudence and KHI. Some aspects of this tradition are not specifically found in the Islamic jurisprudence and KHI, such as ritual notate dala (exploratory talk), pambeka nganga (opening the mouth) and sambulu (delivered object for marriage proposal) and expression used during marriage proposal. However, when examined further, either from theological, juridical, sociological, or philosophical approaches, traditional procession is not contrary to both Islamic and positive laws (KHI).