
The discipline of student needs to be sought to support the success of teaching and learning process in Boarding School. Therefore, Boarding school needs to seek situation and condition that can help student in developing self-discipline. The purpose of this study is to determine the culture of students discipline at boarding school. This article shows that the discipline of student is grown from several factors including: 1) innate factors; 2) awareness factor; 3) interest factors; and 4) the influence factor of mindset. Discipline deals with the process of changing the behavior. As for some things that can change the behavior of the students are: the rules of boarding school and the application of punishment for behavior change. The purpose of discipline coaching is two things: the near and the long term. The near-term goal of disciplinary coaching is to get children trained and controlled, by teaching them appropriate forms of behavior. While the long-term goal is the development of self-control and self-direction, where children can direct themselves, without outside influence. Self-control means mastering self-behavior with guided clear norms, standards, and rules that are self-owned.