Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Menggunakan Proshow pada Materi Satuan Ukur dan Berat


This development research aims to develop the learning media on the material of measuring unit and weight and know the feasibility of learning video media on the material of measuring unit and weight for class 3 SD Negeri 2 Palapa. The method used in this research is Research and Development (Research and Development) but will focus more on the process of developing the ADDIE method. Development stage in this research using five stages in research are: 1) Analysis 2) Design, 3) Development 4) Implementation, 5) Evaluation. Data collection techniques in this study using a questionnaire of student responses. Based on the results of the material experts, media experts with validation results worthy of use and learning instructional materials based on questionnaire field test responses conducted on 12 students categorized very interesting so that learning materials teaching materials are very helpless students in the learning process and feasible to use and students are very interested on learning video teaching materials.