Aplikasi Persamaan Diferensial Model Populasi Eksponensial dalam Estimasi Penduduk di Kota Bandar Lampung


Mathematics is an important science in life, because mathematics is the basic science for other sciences (Irda Yusnita, 2016; Mujib, 2017; Wahidah Alwi, 2015). Differential equation is one branch of mathematics that is able to solve existing problems in real life, one of which is problems in the field of demography (Widya, 2016). One of the benefits of differential equations in the field of demography is to determine the number of residents in a particular area. This study aims to determine the estimation results and the best exponential model to estimate the city of Bandar Lampung in 2025. This research is included into the type of descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results show that the calculation of population estimation results using the best population exponential model that can be used to predict the number of residents of Bandar Lampung city in 2015 that is exponential model I with model form 923.175 , the population growth rate is 1.98% per year. The estimated population of the city of Bandar Lampung in 2025 was 1,194,215 inhabitants.