تصميم وسيلة دائرة القواعد و فعاليتها في ترقية مهارة القراءة (دراسة تجريبية في مدرسة هداية المبتدئين المتوسطة الإسلامية بمالانج)


AbstractThe research wanted to design an instructional medium to teach and learn Arabic, and it is called “structure circle”. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of using the medium “structure circle” to upgrade the reading skill and the research problem “how effective the using of structure circle to upgrade the reading skill of first grade students of Hidayatul Mubtadi’in junior high school of Malang. This research problem is divided into four research problems, i.e. 1) how does the design of structure circle complete? 2) How is the effectiveness of using the structure circle to upgrade students’ competence in loudly reading? 3) How is the effectiveness of using the structure circle to upgrade text understanding?The approach of this research is qualitative quantitative research. Its independent variable is using the structure circle in Arabic teaching and the dependent variable of it is students’ competence in reading skill. The researcher uses one group method and chooses the population all first grade students of Hidayatul Mubtadi’in junior high school of Malang in academic year 2009/2010 and the sample 20 students of them. The data collection instruments used in this research are observation, interview, questionnaire, and tests.Research findings show that (1) the design of the instructional medium reaches very good point from the experts of Arabic teaching and instructional media; (2) it is very effective to improve the students’ competence in loudly reading by the evidence that the t-value 10,40 is more than the t-table values; (3) it is very effective to increase the text understanding ability for the t-value 3,21 is more than the t-table values.